ACEN's second largest solar
project in the Philippines

  • Aerial Photo of Palauig Solar 2 in Zambales

Palauig Solar 2

  • icon-solar-1
    300 MW
    plant location
    Palauig, Zambales
    emissions avoided
    MT CO2e
    Annual Carbon Avoidance
    home powered
    Homes Powered

Located in an area with one of the highest irradiance zones in the Philippines, Palauig Solar 2, ACEN’s second biggest solar farm, aims to harness Zambales’ growth potential for clean energy. It is constructed over an aggregate 275-hectare land just approximately half a kilometer away from Palauig Solar 1. The project sits on a relatively flat and rolling grassland with elevation ranging from 15 to 80 meters above sea level.

*projected annual figures
