We commit to a governance philosophy that seamlessly integrates sustainability into our core business strategies, ensuring our operations are not just ethical but also in sync with climate objectives and global best practices.
We continuously improve our ESG reporting, standardizing our processes to meet ESG management practices as we strive for diversity and inclusion in leadership. Our alignment with various ESG frameworks and data providers demonstrates our focus to maintain accountability and consistency across all areas of our operation, reinforcing our position as a leader in sustainable governance.

In our organization
Board-level Sustainability Committee
> Responsible for the oversight and regular review of the company’s sustainability strategy and issues as well as climate-related risks and opportunities
Executive-level ESG Committee
> Advises on ESG-related matters in policymaking and monitors our performance on key ESG and climate-related metrics
> Facilitates capacity-building and ESG awareness campaigns on ESG for our senior leaders Risk and Health & Safety Committee
Risk and Health & Safety Committee
> Provides an oversight function towards operational safety and sustainability-related risks
Corporate-Level Sustainability Team
> Performs sustainability and climate oversight functions
> Project-Level Development Leads proactively works with Sustainability team to mitigate the physical effects of climate change in the planning and design of new projects
> Operating plants, plant managers, HSSE leads, and pollution control officers work closely with the Sustainability team to address any environmental issues and manage physical risks of climate change
Diversity in leadership
Our Board is composed of qualified and dedicated directors with a diverse range of experience, experience and backgrounds. Diversity encompasses various factors including business experience, age, gender and ethnicity. Nominees are chosen based on merit.
Among our 11 Board members, 27 percent are women, while 36 percent are Independent Directors. As of December 31, 2023, more than 91 percent of the Board is composed of Non-executive and/or Independent Directors. Independent directors do not have any interest or relationship with the company that may hinder their independence, or which could reasonably be perceived to interfere with the exercise of their independent judgment while carrying out their responsibilities as directors.

In our policies
More than overseeing sustainability and climate issues, we hold sound governance and ethical conduct across all facets of our business. Our interactions with stakeholders, counterparties and communities are guided by a profound respect for human rights. As part of our dedication to integrating sustainability into our operations, we have established supplementary policies in 2023 to strengthen governance on crucial ESG themes.
Policy Highlights
To ensure that our principles of good governance and business ethics are cascaded across the organization, we launched governance programs that are embedded in the learning and development of each employee. All our employees are required to undergo an educational program on our Code of Conduct, which covers various principles on business ethics outlined below. Our employees underwent rigorous training materials covering the different aspects of the Code of Conduct which were followed by online quizzes. Additionally, we conduct training on cybersecurity and data privacy across all ACEN employees.
ACEN’s Code of Conduct includes guidelines on the following: Fair dealing with customers, suppliers and business partners, Confidentiality of information, Conflicts of interest, Insider trading, Safety in the workplace, including anti-harassment, and Anti-bribery and anti-corruption.
In 2023, we reported ZERO incidents of corruption and no breaches of the Code of Conduct.
Environment and Social Management System
At ACEN, we have deepened our commitment to sustainable development and continue to find areas where we can address environmental and social issues.
We implement our Environment and Social Management System (ESMS) to manage Environment and Social (E&S) risks and impacts throughout the life cycle of our projects. ESMS guides project teams in identifying, mitigating and managing risks referencing to prescribed international standards. Apart from this, adherence of project sites to ESMS also addresses investment criteria of green financial institutions and investors, necessary for renewables expansion.

Our Environment and Social Management System Process
Step 1. General E&S Risk Identification
Step 2. Risk Prioritization
Step 3. Stakeholder
Engagement and Mapping
Step 4. Emergency Scenarios Assessment
Step 5. Formulate E&S Action Plan for Priority Risks
Step 6. Formulate Stakeholder Engagement Plan
Step 7. Develop Stakeholder Communication Platform
Step 8. Formulate Emergency Preparedness Plans (as necessary)
Step 9. Secure approval of E&S Action Plans
Step 10. Issue Notice to Proceed
Step 11. Ensure compliance with national regulatory requirements and internal monitoring of E&S Action Plan implementation
Step 12. Conduct a semi-annual review on the progress and compliance of all E&S Action Plans and Stakeholder Engagement Plans